Training with Epping NC

We moved to the brand new facilities at Epping St Johns School, Bury Lane, Epping, Essex CM16 5JB in September 2013 with training every Wednesday night throughout the year from 7.00pm until 8.30pm. Training consists of warm up, skills and drills session, match play and cool down.

We have two level 2 Netball coaches and three qualified umpires and train all year round indoors on sprung courts.

Training Fees

The first training session is free of charge so you can see how you get on, fees are then paid monthly by direct debit and are subject to annual changes.


We also ask for insurance purposes and eligibility to play in the leagues, that you affiliate through us to All England Netball (This is an annual fee that runs from September to August each year, this amount is liable to change annually)